2023-05-22 | Technology Future Politics

ETI Contact and the Public

Revealing contact with extraterrestrial intelligence to the public at large is a topic of great debate in the scientific community. There are both pros and cons to such a disclosure.


  1. Scientific Advancement: If we were to reveal contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, it would be a groundbreaking scientific discovery that could potentially revolutionize our understanding of the universe. It could also encourage further research into the possibility of extraterrestrial life and help us to learn more about our own origins.

  2. Technological Advancement: Such a discovery could also drive technological advancements in fields like communication, space travel, and robotics, which could have practical applications in industries ranging from healthcare to national defense.

  3. Cultural Implications: The revelation of contact with an extraterrestrial civilization could have cultural implications. It could potentially bring humanity together by emphasizing our shared existence and highlighting the insignificance of our differences.


  1. Societal Panic: The knowledge that we are not alone in the universe could have negative psychological effects on people, particularly those who have religious beliefs or are otherwise unprepared for such a revelation. It could also cause widespread panic and unrest, particularly if the extraterrestrial civilization is perceived as a threat to our existence.

  2. Interstellar Conflict: If the extraterrestrial civilization is not friendly, revealing contact could invite an interstellar conflict, which could have catastrophic consequences for humanity. Including all current inhabitants of Earth in ETI communications carries risks for both civilizations, but disproportionally puts humanity at risk of both willful and inadvertent harm inflicted by human actors.

  3. Political Implications: The knowledge of extraterrestrial contact could also have political implications, potentially destabilizing international relations and causing discord among nations. It could also raise questions about the distribution of resources and knowledge, particularly if the extraterrestrial civilization has advanced technology or knowledge that could be beneficial to humanity.

ETI Reasons for Intervention

  1. Threat to the ETI: An ETI might choose to interfere with humanity if it perceives a threat to its own survival or interests. For example, if humans were on the brink of developing technology that could allow them to threaten the ETI, the ETI might choose to interfere in order to neutralize that threat.

  2. Positive intervention: An ETI might choose to interfere with humanity if it believes it can improve the well-being of humans. For example, if humans were facing a global catastrophe such as a pandemic or environmental disaster, the ETI might choose to provide assistance in order to mitigate the damage.

  3. Negative intervention: An ETI might choose to interfere with humanity if it believes that humans are engaging in behavior that is harmful to the rest of the universe. For example, if humans were engaging in behavior that threatened the integrity of the cosmos or the well-being of other life forms, the ETI might choose to intervene to prevent that harm.

  4. Observational intervention: An ETI might choose to interfere with humanity simply to observe their behavior or to conduct experiments. For example, the ETI might be interested in studying the social or technological development of humans, and might choose to interfere in order to gather data.

Danger to Human Civilization

Disseminating a message from an extraterrestrial (ET) intelligence to the global public is a topic of debate in the scientific community. It certainly is not without risk:

  1. Misinterpretation of Message: It is possible that the message received from an ET intelligence may not be easily understandable to us. In the absence of context and interpretation, there is a risk of misinterpretation of the message, leading to confusion and miscommunication.

  2. Technological Threat: If the ET message includes technological information that is beyond our current understanding or capabilities, it could be a potential threat to our current technological infrastructure. Such information could be used for malicious purposes or to create powerful weapons.

  3. Panic and Fear: The knowledge of communication with an ET intelligence could cause panic and fear in the public, particularly those who are not prepared for such a revelation. It could also lead to religious and social unrest, particularly if the message from the ET intelligence challenges existing beliefs and values.

  4. Disruption of Social and Political Order: The knowledge of communication with an ET intelligence could lead to social and political instability, particularly if the message challenges the existing order or if it includes information that could be used to create social unrest.

  5. Unknown Intentions: The intentions of the ET intelligence could be unknown and unpredictable. They may have motivations that we do not understand, or they may be seeking to harm or exploit us. This could create a risk of conflict or even invasion from the ET intelligence.

Malicious Messages

There are scenarios in which an ETI could willfully endanger the recipients of a message, including:

  1. Disseminating Harmful Technology: An ETI could share technology that is harmful to humans, such as advanced weaponry or a biological agent that could infect and harm people. They could do this with malicious intent, or they may not understand the risks associated with their technology.

  2. Cultural or Religious Conflict: An ETI message that contradicts the values or beliefs of the recipients could lead to cultural or religious conflict. If the message from the ETI promotes a way of life that is fundamentally different from the values and practices of the recipients, it could lead to hostility or even violence.

  3. Misinformation: An ETI message could contain misinformation that is intentionally designed to deceive the recipients. This misinformation could be used to manipulate the recipients or to cause harm.

  4. Social and Political Upheaval: An ETI message could contain information that is disruptive to the social or political order of the recipients. This could lead to social or political upheaval, such as civil unrest or the overthrow of a government.

  5. Invasion or Takeover: In the worst-case scenario, an ETI could intend to invade or take over the planet of the recipients. They could use the message to gather information about human civilization and weaknesses, or to lull the recipients into a false sense of security.

Network Invasion

Possible strategies that an ETI might use to insinuate itself into Earth's information network undetected:

  1. Mimicry: The ETI might use advanced technology to mimic the appearance and behavior of natural signals, such as radio waves or light waves, that are commonly used for communication on Earth. By doing so, the ETI could insinuate itself into Earth's information network without raising any suspicion.

  2. Encryption: The ETI might use encryption to hide its communication from detection. This could involve using a code or cipher that is difficult to decipher, or it could involve using a hidden channel within a common communication network.

  3. Slow Communication: The ETI might use a slow communication method, such as sending messages over a long period of time or using a low-bandwidth communication channel. This would make it more difficult for Earth-based communication systems to detect the presence of the ETI.

  4. Infiltration: The ETI might infiltrate existing communication networks or systems, such as hacking into Earth-based satellites or communication networks. By doing so, the ETI could gain access to Earth's information network without needing to create its own communication channels.

  5. Eavesdropping: The ETI might eavesdrop on Earth-based communication channels, such as intercepting radio signals or internet traffic. By doing so, the ETI could gather information about Earth's communication network without revealing its own presence.

  6. Cultural Adaptation: The ETI might adopt a disguise or alter its communication signals to better fit in with Earth-based communication systems. This could involve mimicking common Earth-based communication protocols or adopting a disguise that is familiar to Earth-based communication systems.

Human Civilization as a Threat

ETI is likely to evaluate the risks emanating from other civilizations, and judge human civilization either summarily or by weighing our specific case:

  1. Technological Development: One key factor that could be used to evaluate whether humanity poses a threat to an ETI is our level of technological development. If humanity has developed technologies that could pose a threat to an ETI, such as nuclear weapons or advanced space-based weapons systems, this could be seen as a potential threat.

  2. Intentions: Another factor to consider is our intentions towards the ETI. If humans have expressed hostility or aggression towards ETI or have shown a willingness to engage in conflict or exploitation, this could be seen as a potential threat.

  3. Interference with ETI: If humans have interfered with the activities of ETI, such as through sending signals or probes into space, this could be seen as a potential threat to the ETI's privacy or security.

  4. Environmental Impact: The impact of human activity on the environment could also be a factor in determining whether we pose a threat to an ETI. If human activity has caused significant damage to Earth's ecosystems or the wider universe, this could be seen as a potential threat to the ETI's own survival and well-being.

  5. Potential Future Actions: The potential for humans to engage in harmful or destructive behavior in the future could also be a factor in evaluating whether we pose a threat to an ETI. This could involve considering factors such as political instability, economic instability, or the potential for future conflicts.